Physiotherapy Junior works exclusively with babies, children and adolescents. Children aged up to 18 need therapists who understand child development both from a physical and psychological, developmental and emotional perspective.

Physiotherapists who work with children know how to engage and motivate them and make sessions fun, as well as being able to provide current, accurate information and education to their parents.

Patients and their families are treated in a respectful and professional manner and given support with specialised help to address their individual problems needs.

An initial consultation is a comprehensive assessment which includes a discussion with you and your child regarding your concerns, followed by an active physical assessment, and a personalised and specific treatment plan.

Treatments focus on improving independent mobility, muscle strength, joint flexibility, balance, coordination, endurance, gross and fine motor skills, cognition and motor skills planning, and helping your child be able to do the things they want to do.

Water based sessions (hydrotherapy), combines the warmth, buoyancy and resistance of water to develop a child's strength, ability to move and balance in both water and on land. 

Home programs are provided which allow children to practice their therapy program and ensure that acquired skills are transferred from the clinic to the home or the classroom environment.

Physiotherapy helps babies and children and adolescents develop the skills they need to become stronger, healthier, fitter and faster.